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Past Webinars

2024 Webinar Schedule
recordings posted!


How to Host and In person Event | December 7, 2023






2023 Webinar Schedule
recordings posted!

Wednesday, April 3, 2023


"From Food Scraps to Soil Food: Starting a Drop Off Program in your Community"

Presented by Table2Ground

Webinar Recording


Tuesday, April 4, 2023


"School Food Recovery: Inventory Management, Share Tables, Smarter Lunchrooms and Food Donations"

Presented by Florida Food Recovery Coalition

6:30am PST/9:30am EST

Register here



Friday, April 7, 2023


"It's a Good Friday to Recover Food, Florida!"

Presented by Food Waste Prevention Week 2023

8am PST/11am EST

Slides no recording



Monday, April 10, 2023


"Local Solutions to Prevent Food Waste"

Presented by NRDC

Kick off Food Waste Prevention Week with a conversation on Local Solutions to Prevent Food Waste on Monday, April 10 at 1pm EDT/10am PDT. Featuring Food For the Soul, Hamilton County R3Source, Food Shift, and Alameda County StopWaste. These pairs of county recycling experts and food rescuers will talk about valuing food, ensuring good food gets eaten, and how they share their stories with the community.

10:00am PST/1:00pm EST

Webinar Recording  PASSCODE REQUIRED:  $!a3DM



"No Borders No Limits Produce Rescue: Re-Visioning the Future"

Presented by Red BAMX & Arizona Food Bank Network

No Borders No Limits" is an innovative and collaborative project among the networks of food banks in Arizona, Texas, and Mexico, aimed at rescuing produce that is left behind in Mexican fields and rejected by US customs or in US territory. The initiative focuses on collecting produce from crops, packaging, customs, warehouses, and stores, to distribute it to families in need on both sides of the border. With the goal of rescuing more food and preventing waste, the project aims to create a logistical network among the food banks. This cross-border collaboration showcases how joint efforts can have a positive impact on people and communities.

8am PST/11am EST

          Register here




"No Borders No Limits: Transformado el futuro del rescate de alimentos en el campo"

Presentado por Red BAMX y la Red de Bancos de Alimentos de Arizona

"No Borders No Limits" es un proyecto innovador y colaborativo entre la red de bancos de alimentos de Arizona, Texas y México que busca rescatar alimentos frescos que se quedan en el campo mexicano y aquellos rechazados en aduanas o en territorio estadounidense. La iniciativa se enfoca en recolectar alimentos desde los campos de cultivos, empaques, aduanas, bodegas y tiendas, para distribuirlos a las familias necesitadas de ambos lados de la frontera.




















"Conserve the Green: Food Waste Innovation & Cost Savings"

Presented by the DC Department of Small & Local Business Development

This webinar will feature remarks from 2 of DC's 2021 Food Waste Innovation Grant winners as well as a presentation on great ways to reduce food waste and cut costs in restaurants. All 24 of the 2022 Food Waste Innovation Grantees reported reductions in their food procurement costs as well as other benefits for their business -- less waste, less odor around their trash cans, fewer rodents, and other creative improvements in their processes.

12 pm PST/ 3 pm EST




Backyard Compost Virtual Workshop

Presented by Boulder County Resource Conservation

5-6 pm PST/8-9 pm EST

Register here



Tuesday, April 11, 2023


"Zero Food Waste at Large-scale Events"

Presented by Sustainable Events Network and Florida International University

This panel discussion will feature zero food waste veterans who work within the events industry to combat food waste at every festival, large scale event or conference possible.   Panelists include Lisa Accardi, Events Manager at ReFED, Syd and Diane Mandelbaum, Founders, Rock & Wrap It Up and Dr. John Buschman, FIU Chaplin School of Hospitality & SoBeWFF. Moderated by Joanna Berens, President & Zero Food Waste Chair, Sustainable Events Network, FL & Caribbean.

12pm PST/ 3pm EST

Webinar Recording



"We Knead to Dough Better"

Presented by Sustainable Events Network Florida & Caribbean and Florida International University

This event will feature a live chef demo of international recipes for using leftover bread and spent grains.

1:15-2pm PST/ 4:15pm-5pm EST

Webinar Recording



"Erase the Doubt about Food Safety"

Presented by Community Food Rescue

You've probably heard the motto "when in doubt, throw it out" and maybe that simple rhyme is guiding your decisions in the kitchen and leading to a lot of unnecessary food waste. In this free webinar, hosted by the Montgomery County Food Council and presented by Manna Food Center’s Community Food Rescue program, we'll try to erase, or at least minimize, some of the doubt around whether a food is safe to eat. Should you consume food from dented cans? How important is the date on that carton of eggs? Being able to more confidently answer these timeless and important questions can help you save money and protect the environment. We'll also provide tips on what to do with safe, but surplus, food.

10-11:30am PST/1-2:30pm EST

Webinar Recording



Wednesday, April 12, 2023


"School Food Recovery: Inventory Management, Share Tables, Smarter Lunchrooms and Food Donations"

Presented by Florida Food Recovery Coalition

11am PST/2pm EST

Webinar Recording



"Food Rescue 101 for Commercial Kitchens"

Presented by Careit CEO, Alyson Schill

Zero-waste specialist and Careit CEO Alyson Schill takes restaurants, food-based nonprofits, institutions, and other kitchen staff on a journey of food waste in commercial food establishments. With this workshop, participants will learn: Why reducing food waste benefits businesses and communities; techniques to reduce food loss; successful food donation with Careit app; and how to compost the rest for healthy soils.

9-10am PST/ 12-1 pm EST

Webinar Recording



"U.S.-Mexico Border Sustainable Management of Food"

Join U.S. EPA Region 9 for a seminar on the sustainable management of food, in the context of the U.S.-México border. Celebrating Food Waste Prevention week, you’ll learn about food waste prevention, recovery and recycling strategies, policies and practices for and by border-adjacent communities.


  • Antonia Andúgar Miñarro, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, on tri-national cooperative studies and tools; the cross-border example of food management

  • Dr. Claudia Martínez Peralta, State of Sonora's Commission on Ecology & Sustainable Development, on energy use from organic waste: Sonora’s experience

  • Ernesto Torres, founder of Compóstate Bien MXL, on composting and soil regeneration in Mexicali

  • André Villaseñor, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, on the sustainable management of food

10:30am-12pm PST/1:30-3pm EST

Webinar Recording   PASSCODE REQUIRED:67718656



¿Sabe su familia cuánto dinero están gastando en comida y alimentos no aprovechados?

la División de Residuos Sólidos y Reciclaje del Condado de Washington (Oregón)


Le invitamos a una presentación en línea, en la cual compartiremos información con respecto a las posibles causas que previenen que aprovechemos al máximo los alimentos y comida en nuestra vida diaria. Presentaremos una serie de estrategias para evitar la compra excesiva de alimentos, recomendaciones de preparación y almacenamiento, como consumir lo que compramos, y otras más que nos darán la oportunidad para que usted Coma Mejor, Ahorrando Más.

a las 11 a.m. (horario de verano del Pacífico) 




Thursday, April 13, 2023


         Rescuing Surplus Food: Successes and Challenges in Canada and Mexico

         Presented by Red BAMX & Second Harvest

          With global hunger on the rise, why does our abundant food surplus continue to feed landfills instead of feeding people? In this webinar,            we will explore the cases in Mexico (BAMX) and Canada (Second Harvest) to understand contextual challenges, and how despite the

          odds, these two organizations are fighting food waste through research, digital technology, and corporate social responsibility. 

        11:00 Ontario time

Register here


        Rescatando los excedentes de alimentos: éxitos y desafíos en Canadá y México

         Con el hambre mundial en aumento, ¿por qué grandes cantidades de excedentes de alimentos siguen alimentando los tiraderos de     

         basura en lugar de alimentar a la gente? En este webinar exploraremos los casos de México (BAMX) y Canadá (Second Harvest) para 

         comprender los retos contextuales y cómo, a pesar de las adversidades, estas dos organizaciones están luchando contra el desperdicio de

         alimentos a través de la investigación, la tecnología digital y la responsabilidad social corporativa.

         a las 9:00 hora de Ciudad de México.



Friday, April 14, 2023


Maine Food Waste Solutions Summit

Presented by Food Rescue Maine

The Maine Food Waste Solutions Summit is Maine’s major food waste event that brings together our state’s key food system participants—farms, food businesses, feeding partners, community leadership, government and nonprofit organizations—to focus on ending food waste in Maine. This year, we recognize the key role that individuals of all ages play. Only by engaging consumers and households can we return to a circular Maine food system where food is highly valued and never wasted. This vision for Maine’s food system will especially benefit individuals by lowering food costs and improving food access as well as by protecting valued natural resources – water, air, and climate!

Keynote Speakers:

  • Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, Maine First District Representative; She is developing new bipartisan legislation to help end food waste in the U.S.

  • Linda Breggin, Environmental Law Institute

  • Claudia Fabiano, U.S. Environmental Protection Administration and the “Food – Too Good To Waste” Network

7-9 am PST/10-12 pm EST

Register here



"Food Recovery Network Power Hour"

Presented by Food Recovery Network

Help us fight food waste and feed people during Food Waste Prevention Week! Join Food Recovery Network (FRN) an hour-long virtual volunteer opportunity. Together, we'll research farm contacts in regions where food insecurity is highest to help reduce food loss on farms and increase food access for people experiencing food insecurity across the United States. Participating in just one Power Hour can lead to the donation of more than 26,000 pounds of surplus food that would have otherwise gone to waste! No prior experience is necessary to participate. We hope you'll join us for this fun and interactive virtual volunteer experience!

10-11am PST/1-2pm EST

Register here



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